Who is the Easter Bunny?
The Easter Bunny comes the night before Easter Sunday to deliver Easter baskets and hide eggs for children to find. Some of the items in children’s Easter baskets include chocolate bunnies, candy, peeps, Spring toys such as jump ropes, balls, bubbles, and chalk. Sometimes the Easter bunny will leave you coloring books and crayons. There are many things the Easter Bunny can bring. It is a tradition for the Easter Bunny to also hide eggs all around the house or yard. The colorful eggs are usually filled with chocolates, chocolate bunnies or chicks, and small toys. Sometimes he will even hide real money! Bonus fun fact Peeps are the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy
What is the Easter Bunny’s Name?
The exact name of the Easter Bunny is classified, however some items left by the Easter Bunny has had the initials E.B written on them. Now we are not quite sure if this just stands for Easter Bunny or something else like Earl Bunny, or Esther Bunny. This Easter look closely at your eggs and Easter Baskets, see if there are any clues to get us closer to solving this mystery.
Where Does the Easter Bunny Live?
The Easter Bunny, like most bunnies, lives in an underground burrow. A burrow is an underground hole or tunnel dug up by an animal. It’s not a regular burrow but an enchanted burrow. It most likely looks a regular burrow but once inside it transports you t an enchanted forest. Where is this underground burrow? The exact location of this burrow is a mystery. It could be in a park in the middle of a big city, it could be out in a forest. or somewhere in the country or maybe even in your own backyard.
What Does the Easter Bunny Look Like?
Some people believe that the Easter Bunny disguises himself to look like all the other bunnies hopping around in fields, meadows, and parks. When he returns to his burrow, he and his helpers fill Easter Eggs and baskets.
It is also believed that the night before Easter, the Easter Bunny comes out of his burrow and sprinkles a magical pixie dust all over himself to grow into a big rabbit to deliver the eggs and baskets. But how big does he grow?
The Easter Bunny is believed to grow to be around 5 ft tall. No one has actually seen the Easter Bunny, but large rabbit footprints have been spotted Easter morning. Those footprints were examined by animal scientists who made the calculation that the Easter Bunny is about 5ft tall.
It believed that the Easter Bunny has white or brown colored fur, big blue eyes and glasses.
The Easter Bunny has a kind and loving personality. He doesn’t like when children are bullied. In fact like Santa, the Easter Bunny also keeps a good and bad list. The Easter Bunny loves when children use kind words toward one another and are helpful to others. The Easter Bunny also loves when children appreciate the things that they have and are grateful for the things they receive.

How Old is the Easter Bunny?
That is a good question. The Easter Bunny is hundreds of years old. How does the Easter Bunny live so long? Well, he eats a healthy diet and of course a little magic. The Easter Bunny eats lots of lettuce, vegetables, and of course carrots. The Easter Bunny loves when kids leave him a healthy snack of carrots the night before Easter.
What is the Easter Bunny Like?
This is an interesting question. Is the Easter Bunny grouchy like a leprechaun? Is he jolly like Santa? The Easter bunny is believed to be a friendly, kind rabbit. He loves it when children are kind and friendly to each other. He enjoys when everyone is included in a game and that no one feels left out. The Easter Bunny is sometimes referred to as the kindness bunny by others. The more you show kindness and the more kindness is in your heart the more he will come and spread Easter cheer. Being a good friend is the best way to make the Easter Bunny happy.
How does the Easter Bunny fit all those Easter eggs into his basket to deliver?
Well, that’s a good question and the answer is magic of course! His Easter basket is a magical basket. It is actually bottomless. He just sticks his hand in and pulls out the eggs, they are always there. As he takes them out, new ones appear to take their place until he has enough to deliver all the eggs to all the children.
How many eggs does the Easter Bunny deliver? The answer is millions. With so many children in the world, the Easter Bunny would have to hide millions of Easter Eggs the night before Easter. No one bunny could do all this on his own. The Easter Bunny has a team of bunnies to help him.
The Easter Bunny and his team of bunnies are very busy throughout the year making Easter baskets and stuffing Easter eggs for all the children. Did you know that the Easter Bunny’s team of bunnies look like every other bunny? Yes, that’s right they look like ordinary bunnies. How can you tell if there are on the Easter Bunny’s team? Well, you can’t. They can even be the bunny you see in your backyard! They also report good behavior to the Easter Bunny. So, if you see a bunny hopping along, you better be good because you never know if they are watching.
So what kind of magic does the Easter Bunny have? It’s the magic of the children that the Easter Bunny carries in his heart. As long as there are children who believe in him his heart will never stop and he will live on forever.
We hope you enjoyed our Easter Bunny Facts for Kids. Looking for more Easter activities? Check out Bunny Rabbit Facts for Kids and Easter Bunny Jokes for Kids
Q: What vegetable are all others afraid of? A: a scarrot.
Q: Why did the carrot get an award? A: Because he was out standing in his field
? Q: How do you make gold soup? A: Put 24 carrots in it.
Q: What did the carrot say to the rabbit? A: Do you want to grab a bite?
Q: What kind of vegetable watches over the elderly? A: The Carrot-aker.
Q: What did the rabbit say to the carrot? A: It’s been nice gnawing you.
” Q: What is invisible and smells like Carrots? A: Bunny Farts!