Fun Facts About Parrots
1. There Are Around 393 Species of Parrots
2. Parrots Eat With Their Feet
3. Most Parrots Can Imitate Sound
4. Parrots Can Live For Over 60 Years
5. They Mate for Life
6. They Have Strong Beaks
7. The Kakapo Parrot Can’t Fly
8. A Baby Parrot is Called a Chick
9. Parrots are Omnivores, Which Means They Eat Both Meat and Veg
10. They’re One of the Most Intelligent Birds
11. Parrots Lay Between 2 and 8 Eggs at a Time
12. There are Wild Parrots in NYC
13. The Band Hatebeak have a Gray Parrot as Their Lead Vocalist
14. A Group of Parrots is Called a Pandemonium
15. In India, it’s Illegal to Keep Parrots as Pets
16. The Novel Treasure Island is the Reason Parrots are Associated with Pirates
Q: What do you get when you cross a parrot and a centipede? A: A walkie-talkie.
Q: What figure describes a lost parrot? A: A polygon!
Q: What do you get when you cross a parrot and a shark? A: A bird that talks your ear off!
Q: What is a parrot‘s favorite game? A: Hide and Speak!
Q: What do you get when you cross a parrot and a tiger? A: I don’t know, but when it talks you better listen carefully.
Q: What’s smarter than a talking parrot? A: A spelling bee
Parrot Humor:
What’s a bird’s favorite movie? The Parrots of the Caribbean.
What is orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.
What do you do with a broken bird? You re-PARROT!