Q: What did the bat say to the friend who returned after missing a day of school?
A: Welcome bat.
Q: What type of markets do bat avoid?
A: Flea markets.
Q: Why did the zoo keeper name the bat “Frost”?
A: Because Frost-bites.
Q: How do you make a bat stew?
A: Keep him waiting.
Q: What is the best way to hold a bat?
A: By the handle.
Q: How did the little dog feel when it saw a big bat?
A: Terrier-fied.
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Q: Which of the witch’s friends was good at baseball?
A: The bat.
Q: What do little bats eat?
A: Alpha-bat soup.
Q: Which animal is best at baseball?
A: The bat.
Q: How do you spell bat backwards?
A: B-A-T-B-A-C-K-W-A-R-D-S
Q: Which circus performers can see in the dark?
A: The acro-bats.
Q: What do bats do for exercise?
A: Aerobatics.
Q: Why don’t bats live alone?
A: They like to hang out with their friends.
Q. Where does a bat go when it loses its tail?
A. A re-tail store.
Q: What did the baby mouse say when he saw a bat for the first time?
A: When do I learn how to fly?
Q: What did a mommy bat say to her naughty son?
A: You’re a bat boy.
Q. Why did the bat cross the road?
A. To prove he wasn’t chicken.
Q: What is the first thing a bat learns at school?
A: The alphabat.